Marjan Kralj
Podjetje Trace BS d.o.o. se ukvarja za razvojem, prodajo in implementacijo Programsko opremo Trace Solutions, ki je registrirana blagovna znamka v EU in v državah Balkana. Naročniki lahko izbirajo med naslednjimi rešitvami:
Programska oprema deluje na WIN in WEB platformi v večjezični različici in je razvita z najnovejšimi razvojnimi orodji. Nameščena je lahko lokalno na strežnik naročnika ali v oblaku.
Za uporabo programske opreme kupci plačujemo mesečno naročnino. Mesečna naročnina vključuje:
Za uvedbo programske opreme izvajamo naslednje storitve:
Uvedba programske opreme je na ključ.
Naše rešitve uporabljajo mala, srednja in velika slovenska, hrvaška, srbska in makedonska podjetja.
The company Trace BS d.o.o. deals with the development, sale and implementation of Trace Solutions software, which is a registered trademark in the EU and the Balkan countries. Subscribers can choose from the following solutions:
o Trace Attendance – registration of working hours with attendance records
o Trace Access – control of access to business premises using RFID cards
o Trace MES – support of production processes, connection to machines in production
o Trace WMS – support for external and internal logistics processes
o Trace BiD - info. a system for controlling processes in production and warehouse
o Trace KPI – information support for key business indicators
o Trace OEE – info. system for setting the overall efficiency of machines and devices
o Trace Production – production planning
o Trace Warehouse - delivery planning
o Trace QMS – quality assurance support
o Trace MMS – maintenance support
The software works on WIN and WEB platforms in a multilingual version and is developed with the latest development tools. It can be installed locally on the client's server or in the cloud.
Customers pay a monthly fee to use the software. Monthly subscription includes:
- Free 24/7/365 support
- Free new versions
- Free add-on programming
We provide the following services for software deployment:
- Software installation
- Creation of the implementation plan
- Configuration, parameterization and integration with the client's business system
- Training of key users with system verification in a test environment
- Additional key user training
- Training of end users
- Transition from test to production environment
Software deployment is turnkey.
Trace solutions are used by small, medium and large Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian and Macedonian companies.
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